Circuits for programming via
the serial port
To prevent the clock line
from oscillations connect 1nF from the sck pin to ground (nearby the
controller's sck pin).
The connection Sercon1-->Controller should be short.
"Run Mode" (testing the controller program with connected cable) is
only possible with AVR's'.
Eagle Files are included in
the download files.
Sercon2 for PIC and AVR is fully powered by the serial port.
To prevent the clock line
from oscillations connect 1nF from the sck pin to ground (nearby the controller's
sck pin).
No "Run Mode" is available, that means for testing the controller
program, you must disconnect it from PC.
The connection Sercon2-->Controller should be very short (some cm).
Eagle Files are included in
the download files.
Sercon2-Mini for AVR by Herbert Bernadini